Belgian sugar waffles – vegan recipe

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Vegan waffles, a lot of people are waiting for that. A few weeks ago I saw someone with whom I am friends on Facebook, selling vegan sugar wafers for the benefit of the goat shelter.

Oh nice, I thought, then I will buy 2 packages to support the goats. And I wasn’t the only one who felt that way. The intention was actually to sell ten packs during a vegan cheese & wine evening that also benefited the goats’ animal sanctuary. But it had gotten a bit out of control and Christel Lavrysen suddenly had to bake a lot of wafers. So it was a big success 🙂

And Christel had something like “the more people make their waffles in this vegan way, the better,” so she enjoys sharing the recipe with my followers.

Vegan sugar waffles (belgian style) - recipe
Yield: 20 waffles

Belgian sugar waffles

Belgian sugar waffles - vegan recipe


  • 1 kg flour
  • 400 ml water (tepid)
  • 100 grams of yeast (or 1/3 if you use dry yeast)
  • 4 tsp potato starch
  • 15 grams salt
  • 5 grams kala namak (or more salt if you don't have kala namak)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 550 grams vegan butter
  • 100 grams sugar
  • 600 grams pearl sugar


  1. Mix the yeast with half the sugar and the potato starch in the tepid water. Mix the butter with the other half of the sugar and vanilla extract, beat until creamy. Mix the flour and the salt. Put everything together and mix well.
    Let the dough rest for 20 minutes.
  2. Add the pearl sugar and knead again so that the sugar is nicely divided.
  3. Sprinkle flour on your work surface and pour out the dough. Divide the dough into pieces of 80-100 g. Make sausages and let them rest for another 20 minutes.
  4. Heat your waffle maker (hot) and bake the waffles. Let them cool on a rack.

TIP: To clean your waffle iron (yes, I admit, it is really a disaster after they have been baked.) You make a paste of 50 ml of water and a large tablespoon of flour. Bake this mixture. As a result, a lot of sugar residues will be gone. You, of course, throw this away. You can repeat this several times.

All the honors and thanks for Christel may be expressed at the bottom of this page in response.

Do you want even more people to bake their waffles vegan? Then share this recipe.

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